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Αναζήτηση προϊόντος

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Viper, in all versions, is a cheap and a user friendly electronic weighing system which allows to display the immediate weight transported.

Viper I allows the load ckeck by measuring the cylinder lifting pressure of the rear tipper.The system precision is guaranteed exclusively with a constant barycentre of the load.

Viper II has been studied for all the operators that often work abroad providing the immediate weight on each axle.

Viper III provides the immediate weight reading of the rear tipper.It provides with high precision the total weight of the vehicle or the net value of the load.The system is installed completely on the trailer which can then have any tractor hitched to it.The reaching of the preset maximum load transmits a signal to the operator via an external acoustic alarm.


  • Reliable
  • Excellent value for money
  • User friendly
  • Semitrailer or truck on board weighing 
  • Small dimensions
  • Overload alarms
  • Reusable system

Technical Data
VIPER I (rear tipper load ckecking)
Display 12,5 mm red LED display
Screen Gross or net weight on the axles and suspension pressure
Keypad 4 key membrane keypad
Power supply
12-32 Vdc
Protection level IP 54
Dimesions 100 x 100 x 42 mm in black anodised aluminium enclosure
Connection 3 meter long - 3 wire power supply and output relay contact cable. Ring-nut intakes intended for 8/6 hose
Optional Acoustic alarm, IP55 Protective box
Technical Data
VIPER II (axle load weighing)
Display 12,5 mm red LED display
Screen Gross or net weight on the axles and suspension pressure
Keypad 4 key membrane keypad
Power supply
12-32 Vdc
Protection level IP 54
Dimesions 100 x 100 x 42 mm in black anodised aluminium enclosure
Connection 3 meter long - 3 wire power supply and output relay contact cable. Ring-nut intakes intended for 8/6 hose
Optional Acoustic alarm, IP55 Protective box
Technical Data
VIPER III (rear tipper weighing)
Display 12,5 mm red LED display
Screen Gross or net weight on the axles and suspension pressure
Keypad 4 key membrane keypad
Power supply
12-32 Vdc
Protection level IP 54
Dimesions 100 x 100 x 42 mm in black anodised aluminium enclosure
Connection 3 meter long - 3 wire power supply and output relay contact cable. Ring-nut intakes intended for 8/6 hose
Optional Acoustic alarm, IP55 Protective box

Contact with us:

Address: Kolokotroni str. 2, N. Souli Patras, PC 26500
2610 641860 & 2610 643027
Mobile: 6947687148 for Electrician & 6947687149 for Engineer
Fax: 2610 641860

E-mail: info@automintzas.gr, sales@automintzas.gr


Open Hours:

Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am - 17:00 pm

Payment Methods:

Credit card
Bank deposit
Cash on delivery

Credit Cards:


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